PLO 3: Design and innovate to Create equitable, Just, and Engaging Information Artifacts, Including Services, System Spaces, Resources, and Technologies.
What it means to me over all:
The library space is equally as important as the materials inside it, if the space is accessible then the materials are essentially worthless. Design is the first step in a lot of projects, you first must design the plans to personal perfection before implementing them, or at least this is the most successful way.
As mentioned above, design is the first step in many projects for many people. A good design generally means a smooth project, or at the very least it shows the work of why a project may have failed and needs improvement. The first project that comes to mind with thinking of this PLO is the Final Project: A Policy Manual for IST 616 Info Resources: Organization & Access. This project was a group effort to look at a collection of action figures and develop a cataloging policy for the collection and turn them into records. This policy had to be universal and fit for future additions and be understandable for future users to catalog the collection.
Using the voices of the community is always the best bet when it can be used. It shows that you care about the community and the diversity that may come with it, and more importantly it shows that someone is listening to them when in today’s age not being heard is something a lot of people are feeling. A project comes to mind for this PLO that I believe fits well and that is the Final Research Proposal Project from IST 671 Research Methods in Information Studies. This project demonstrates the planning into getting those users voices. The project was about Native American Repatriation in museums and other institutions that house native artifacts and remains that they shouldn’t. For this project I had to design a research plan, the research plan I choose was to make the voices Native Peoples heard about the topic of repatriation through surveys and interviews and then hopefully use those voices to enact a change though the project was mostly about the research methods and planning more than the outcomes. But I still believe that this fits snug here.
Being able to identify injustice and inequity in our spaces and materials are an important job as information professionals Inequity and injustice can be many small or large things like a 2 story building having no elevators (I don’t think this is actually legal but I’m still using as an example) or not having computers. One such project demonstrates this PLO perfectly and that is the Library Accessibility & Evaluation Project for IST 564 Accessible Lib & Info Services. For this project I went into a local universities college library to evaluate the accessibility and write a report on my findings. Some of the biggest this I found were the shelfing for the books was very tight in some areas making wheelchair use through those areas very hard, and the second thing was that the handicap parking area was somewhat far from an entrance.
What I learned from these experiences:
I have learned a lot from this PLO from cataloging data to user data and everything in between and the importance of them all. User data especially can make a huge change when used correctly and no data point is useless. These experiences have taught me to see the library space and collections in different ways and how to intact and design changes needed. In my career I will carry over what I have learned here into the practical information professional world.